A christmas campaign for BrandAlley 2021, created to help advertise sales for the seasonal holiday. Working along side Marketing, CRM and the design team to produce a series out comes. These included new email templates, email banners, animated email strip, affiliate banners and a winback calendar series.
brand identity development

Brand Identity

Email Assets
includes email strips positioned at the top of emails and 3 new email templates.

Advent Calendar
Produced to engage customers and drive sales. Advertised through daily emails which include offers and giveaways. Alternatively, customers can click on email strip, linking to a landing page for a teat, thus reflecting a christmas advent calendar.
Email Assets
static strip for site and emails. a second email strip also provided to drive sales.

advent calendar landing page for desktop and mobile
deals and giveaway banners for emails
Social & New year
Additional assets produced for like2buy instagram banners and to celebrate the new year with the UK and France company.
Instagram Assets
like2buy instagram banners. Promotion of each department

New Year Email Strips
two email strips for the UK and France company